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Induction Ceremony to Indigenous Ancestral Medicine

Today we are rediscovering our roots and traditions, integrating them into our lives and learning to take advantage of them to improve our mental, emotional and physical health.  

We're glad you're here!


In this experience you will understand why the Tobacco plant and the Coca plant are sacred to the Amazonian indigenous peoples. You will also learn how and when to use them and all the benefits they have for your emotional, mental and physical health. You will live the gifts that Mother Nature gives us when we trust in her wisdom with the four medicines: Rapé, Ambil, Mambé and Coca Tea. 


The Induction Ceremony to Indigenous Ancestral Medicine will bring you closer to the tradition, culture and worldview of some Amazonian indigenous peoples.


You will learn about four fundamental medicines for physical, mental and spiritual healing according to the shamanic tradition: Hoska (powder made from Tobacco), Mambé (crushed Coca leaf), Ambil (Tobacco paste) and Coca Tea (Coca leaves), and you will have the necessary knowledge to include them in your healing process. 


Included in the Induction Ceremony to Indigenous Ancestral Medicine
  • Accompaniment and guidance of indigenous Taitas from the Huitoto or Inga or Nasa Communities

  • Group talk with Taita, master of ancestral medicine.

  • Indigenous Ancestral Medicines for this experience: Hoska. Mambé, Ambil and Coca Tea

  • Guided Meditation. Mindfulness exercise.

  • Facilities in the middle of nature.

  • Unlimited drinking water during the experience.

  • Connection with nature and the four elements.

  • Medical insurance and Contractual Policy.​

Benefits of this experience

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2 hours

30 minutes of organization

Help calm

Rhinitis, sinusitis, anxiety, addictions, etc.

Directed by

Taita community Huitoto, Inga, Nasa or Cofán


Uses, history, benefits, types of medicines.


To be defined according to the time of year. Bogota Colombia.

not suitable for

People under 21 or pregnant.

sacred plants
Tobacco and Coca

For centuries, indigenous peoples have used tobacco in a variety of medicinal uses, as a means to heal, purify, pray, and in ceremonies and rituals intended to bring balance and healing to the community. Tobacco is considered sacred by many indigenous peoples, as it symbolizes a link between the physical and spiritual world.

hoska: medicine made from the tobacco plant with healing and miraculous properties. According to the indigenous worldview, snuff is a gift from the Earth for health and well-being, as well as a way to connect with the spirits. Its regular use is believed to help cleanse the soul and allow the smoker to communicate with the spirits, gain knowledge and wisdom, and find answers to important questions.

Ambil: Made from the tobacco plant, the ambil is deeply rooted in South American indigenous worldview, culture, and tradition.
This medicine is used to treat a variety of conditions, from headaches to respiratory diseases.
A combination of techniques is used to prepare the tobacco that includes maceration, drying and grinding of the plant.

This ancient form of medicine accompanies us today to bring us well-being and thus help indigenous communities maintain their cultural heritage, along with their ancestral knowledge and practices.

For this reason, Nuna Sinsi recommends this experience for those who have had an awakening of consciousness or are actively seeking to awaken spiritually. Also for people who recognize that they can be better and seek to do it in a natural and introspective way. 


Healing is a strong process and Nuna Sinsi accompanies you throughout your path with indigenous ancestral medicine.  


Welcome to the magical, traditional and sometimes forgotten universe of natural medicine!

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Bogota, Colombia
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