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At                               we connect ancestral knowledge to offer you holistic healing experiences with natural medicine to prevent and treat physical, mental and spiritual illnesses.

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Everything that exists is made of light.

You, your friends, your relatives; your thoughts, ideas and emotions; your house, car and other belongings; animals, plants, insects and fungi, everything.

We all come from the same primary energy, and we carry within that light that connects us.

Human beings are composed of the same triad of body, mind and soul.

Finding the balance between body, mind and soul is essential for the awakening of consciousness.

Emotions are the language for the soul to communicate with the mind. The mind processes that emotion and expresses it in a feeling. That feeling generates a physical sensation.

Emotions that we do not understand or reject, pile up and generate mental and physical illnesses.

Forgiveness is one of the tools that helps us the most to purge contained emotions and to heal.

The healing process lasts a lifetime.

Our team

We work with traditional doctors, the spiritual authority of the South American indigenous peoples. Shamans and Taitas of the Inga, Cofán, Nasa and Huitoto Indigenous Communities. 

Seek peace for your mind and you will find health for your body

Our Sustainable Tourism guidelines

Wake up from unconsciousness - free yourself from your identifications

(+57) 305 205 3553
Bogota, Colombia
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